Talk to our team to find out what you need. We will offer you customized menus, with different proposals to be able to cover all your needs. From products from the area, international, and also products with Halal certification.
Coffee break para eventos, formaciones, reuniones, etc. Una pausa perfecta en una intensa jornada de trabajo.​​
Disponemos de todo tipo de canapes para tu evento corporativo ya sea en tu sede, ferias, congresos, o para tus celebraciones, en tu casa, en la de un amigo...
Menus perfectos para cualquier tipo de celebracion formal, corporativa o privada. Tu evento con la mejor calidad en la mesa y en el plato. Nos encargamos de todo lo que necesites desde camareros, menaje, transporte, limpieza...
Our distributors have the Halal certificate, which is a document issued by a competent body that certifies that a certain product or service complies with what is established by Islamic Law (Sharia) for consumption. The Institute's certification process guarantees complete traceability of the food chain, from farm to plate. Not only does it cover the verification of ingredients, it also includes that of the production process, hygiene, handling, packaging materials, storage, transportation and distribution.